Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Weather and Our Moods

Ever notice how the weather effects our moods even our thinking and sense of humor.

So let's see what would happen if I tried to start a novel with this rain coming down.

It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly a shot rang out! I downed the shot in a single swallow and ordered a beer chaser. I had come in here with a mind to be a skirt chaser, but, there weren't any fillies in here. I figured I'd drink my fill and walk out the door. Then in she walked. She had a face and figure you couldn't help notice. A face like the Elephant Man after a long unsuccessful career in the ring. A figure like a Circus Fat Lady after a Three month eating binge. It looked like the only difference between her and a charging Rhino would be about four pounds. The Rhino would be lighter.

Gee I guess the weather makes no difference at all in the way my mind works.

( EVIL Maniacal Laughter ) HAHAHAHA


  1. What a pillock! I thought It was going to be serious until I got to the second line!!!!!!

  2. I had to look up the word pillock. The funnyiest part is that is derived from the Scandinavian word for penis.

    Even after the Oxford English Dictionary I don't know if I've been laughed at laughed with or insulted. However even if an insult it is more than made up for by being informed and educated of the meaning of a new word.

    LOL Thanks Tracey

  3. So is this a start of a new book? You can combine humor and horror in such an easy fashion. Go go go!

  4. Sorry, it's a nice insult!!!! LOL You are definitely being laughed along with not at! (Pillock!!)xxxxxx
