As we get older we find we may have fears we did not have in our youth.
Sometimes those fears surprise us. I find none of the things people generally talk about being part of aging I take in stride. There are some other things that the young never think of that do scare me. Certain illness for example. Not because I have read of them or they are a big deal in the media but because I seen them ravage someone close to me. I saw a lot of violent death during my life. That has never held much fear for me in fact much of my life I walked in it's shadow. Maybe I felt like David's line from the Psalm knowing no matter what I would be judged fairly. It isn't death even now but living conditions that scare me. Illness that don't kill but produce constant never ending pain. Seeing someone we looked at as almost being an unstoppable force of nature. Brought to a complete stop by another and perhaps obscure force of nature. The closer they were to us the greater the fear.
I won't list any such illness everyone probably has a few in mind which are on their own personal list. A possible prognosis of one of the items on our own list can be very frightening.
Humor seems to be effective as a shield against anything. My Dad has prostrate cancer and onset of Parkinson's. He is to darn Zen to be the Dali Lama. His I've had a good run. Neither of these will kill me overnight so maybe they will develop a cure. If not I'm 81 now they say either will take at least 10 years to kill me, no one of my ancestors lived to see 78 so I'm already ahead. Plus he stays an Active Mason and active in the Legion. The only thing I am aware of bothers him is loneliness. Something I fell at times but well over half of my adult life I have lived alone so I'm used to it. Actually over half my life period at least 2/3rds of my adult life. Maybe I'm afraid of the opposite sex. Maybe with good reason. There are of course events in my own life but looking at others of both sexes it seems more damage in general has been done via members of whichever sex is opposite to anything else.
On the other hand we are living longer, have new toys ( adults are beginning to use them as much as kids ). The world is truly smaller I know people 12 time zones away will use this and that's as far away as you can get and still be on the planet. Now you can be a world traveller without leaving your seat. In the past books let us hitch a ride today the NET lets us chose the trip for ourselves.
So I leave with this. May you grow older gracefully and enjoy the journey more than you ever dreamed possible
What a lovely meaningful post Sid. It never ceases to amaze me how we can reach people all over the world just through a keyboard, and very generous folk too! Thank you for the e mail, I have replied to you...
ReplyDeleteAs for growing old, I will continue disgracefully!!!
when i first saw the title, i thought i will be in again for another laugh...but as i read through the lines i become thoughtful and wary of my own journey ahead.
ReplyDeletewe cant stop aging, but i wish the people i care the most will be around me when iam feeble and too old to reach for the remote.
this is a touching post, sid!!
Tracey My Dad has somehow turned the Peter Pan won't grow up no matures past age 12 anyway thing into the ultimate Zen expression. An uncanny way looking at the world through the eyes of an 81 year old 12 year old. This is a man who can walk through a bar fight and the fighters part like the red sea before Moses ( I've seen it a few times ). Later ask him about the fight and you will get a what fight? I've even seen him reach to take a sip of beer body flies across the table bottle goes back down. Oblivious, the guy could teach the Dali Lama. It was weird serving with him as I was one rank higher. On parade I have seen him yell "Excuse me Sir" "Yes Dad" "Call your mother" It impressed the heck out of the higher ups.
ReplyDeleteOdette tomorrows post should be funny. Today my niece called her Dad my brother a slut. That's what I will write about. I told her "Sarah I'm your Dad's oldest brother. Don't you think I already knew that."