Sunday, February 28, 2010

Adding New Blog

Going to add a new blog. Sort of. It will be the Dog's Blog. Trying to look at the world via the 4 remaining senses of a blind dog.

As he shares my sense of humor only he's nicer and has much more hair I hope it will be enjoyable.

I will let you know when he makes his first posting.

The Blog's title will be Warp Drive Canine Mind Unleashed you can click on it in Blogs I follow.

this should be the link for the first article. Be sure to follow it as dogs love attention. You will need to cut and paste it for now.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Men Mirrors and Haircuts

I got myself a haircut yesterday around noon. The barbershop is literally my neighbour. In fact as I look out the window in my computer room or den the roof I am looking across is the barbershop. It means I get light on a side most apartments above stores don't but because of the V shape of the alley if a slight wind is blowing in the right direction I get a howl like a horror movie sound effect. Has caused a few sleepless night if it is a strong wind. Until sh*t for brains here realizes the couch is very comfortable and uses his single brain cell to decide to move.

Back to haircuts. I joke that there are only 3 men's hairstyles while women have a near infinite number. In fact there probably more ladies hairstyles then there are possible number combinations for the lottery. However men there are 3, parted, unparted and departed. However departed is usually not complete. So we have to get cleaned up at least every couple of months. Not to mention cutting ear hair before we trip over it.

Anyway I was finally about to shut my eyes for the night about 2 am as lately I have been having trouble sleeping. 2am was my finishing time when I worked subway emergency so that or 7 am from when I worked night shift in streetcar emergency are almost normal betimes for me. Not by choice by choice I prefer to sleep midnight to 8 am. Seems that only happens if both the weather and my health are at nice levels. Just as I was taking my last medication I happened to look in the mirror. At that time I realized I had not looked in one since before I got the haircut. Normally I would come home trim my beard and go about but yesterday I needed a few grocery items so got those first. Routine broken I went about my day. Not a big deal but I can honestly say I have no problems in the vanity department about my looks. Can you imagine a women not looking in the mirror for 14 hours after a new haircut.

So a couple jokes. Who would have to be the laziest man in History.

The man who invented the Golf Tee.

Think about it.

How lazy do you have to be to invent something to rest your balls on?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Going to spend the day lowering my IQ

Boredom. Mainly Dumb. Typical winter. So I am going to spend the day watching cartoons. Did it Saturday mornings as a kid and only side effect seems to be a thin line between right and wrong and thinking of consequences of my actions. Over cautious as a result as others either can't or won't do the same.

So a day on the cartoon channel. Didn't have that when I was a kid.

May also get a lottery ticket. Since odds of winning are so low you may as well look at them as contributing to charity.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Danger of Boredom & a Warped Mind

Outside it is like a Christmas Card. Cold just below freezing so not uncomfortable cold. Slight wind so the much larger than average snowflakes fall almost straight down. A quiet, so very very quiet. As Elmer Fudd would say with his accent "Quiet enough to hunt wabits".

Which of course leave me inside no urgent errands to already walked the dog and had my coffee. Cleaned the litter box. Not completely out of closet bachelor meals so no need to go shopping. ( Wallet needs a refill so unless I choose to make the 100 yards or less trip to the bank machine no pizza or chinese food delivered. Mind you the last time the Chinese Food was delivered and the young man delivering it said "Good Day" I replied Ni hao ma. Which is Chinese for I am having a very good day thanks to you. He almost dropped the order. I laughed it is one of the exact phrases I do know so I couldn't resist.

While walking the dog I got to wondering how they leave messages for each other in pee. Now I don't even pretend to be able read dog pee. It makes me wonder though. Are dog pee messages like human phone tag? I live 3 telephone poles and a fire hydrant downwind give me a call. Or are they more like graffitti on Washroom walls. In big black magic marker " My Mother made me a Homosexual" below in a red pen " If I buy Her the Wool will she make one for Me? "

Pee the Canine version of Business Cards.

Some days I think if they take out the engine from a V8 Engine and Replace it with my Brain we will have discovered Warp Drive.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I've Figured out why Men pick their Noses

Due to snow plow activity last night I couldn't sleep. Scraping the ground when moving forward beeping when backing up. As a result I lay in bed thinking. As most of you know at times me thinking is not a good idea. However I did figure out why men pick their nose.

As everyone knows men have two heads but only enough blood to use one at a time. It used to be we were incapable of intelligent thought until our later years. Then they invented Viagra and adult males may never think again. However here is my reasoning of why men pick their nose.

Lack of room. Let's face it our southern heads are nowhere as large as we tend to imagine they are. Can't take much blood to fill it. So if we get stuffed up in the head even a little bit there isn't much room. If enough blood gets up there to engorge our single brain cell the smallest restriction on volume can prevent us from having an idea. So we have to do it to make room just in case. Combined with the fact whenever a man learns something new it pushes out something else to make room that just may have been important. As Homer Simpson said " Remember when I took that home wine making course and forgot how to drive."

Best to err on the side of caution.

In the interest of keeping this blog readable by polite society I won't try to figure out things men do with this substance once it has been mined.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Haven't Been Blogging Much Lately

I have to confess I have not been blogging much lately. In fact as of today I am exactly one month behind where I hoped to be today. Excuses, while some hold up some don't. Excuses are what you tell people for why you did or did not do something. While I had about 6 weeks of Bronchitis which does wear me down that is not the reason. Part of it maybe. Laziness is the big thing.

What had I wanted to be doing.

1. Working and posting the survival book. Partly laziness partly being non-fiction I can't sit down in front of the type writer and hammer it out. I just gave away my age make that computer. I can't have mistakes in that. Peoples lives could depend on my getting it right. Winter I have down cold ( no pun intended ) most of what I will be writing about winter survival I have myself put to the test.

Other seasons in temperate zones will also be personally tested. As will some things like water treatment etc. I want the book to be as useful as possible and am seeing where I need to research a bit more. Not a lot, I was well trained. However I don't want anyone to die of a typo. For once I don't mean that as a joke.

I have many talents however drawing is not one of them. I could take photos but and this is my opinion I don't know if it really holds true. I think a photo has two much information when you want to make a simple point. There is too much to distract. I wish to use mostly line drawings and am still looking for help there. To be honest my stick men don't even look like stick men.

It will get done how fast I don't know.

I wanted to review French at the moment. Studying French was not a game for me I did need to study. Most subjects came so easy I once was asked to read from Shakespeare in class but had a comic open on my desk and the book open but upside down on the desk. I stood holding the comic open didn't lift the book and delivered the speech ( from King Lear ) as if I were on stage. That particular teacher never tried to have me read unless we were taking turns again. I had happened to like that particular speech and memorized it. I can still quote it. That class was in 1972.

However French was hard and the only time I enjoy it is if I am using it. So procrastination is slowing me.

I also wanted to add a new language Odette's to be honest. I am almost ready, getting the written texts printed was my hold up but that is almost done. I tried once before with voice only and to be honest. I have standards for myself I was far from meeting. Shortly I should be meeting them.

So for now I am only going to say sorry for now. I won't say it won't happen again as I am far from saintly and err as all humans do. However I do intend to do better. On the positive side I have seen vast improvements in my illness reducing over the last couple of months and expect that to continue and probably accelerate. In time I should be able to travel. Probably either with a companion or needing medication but that is almost a normal life and I won't complain about that opportunity.

To all I open email soon as it arrives if I am home and awake. If not when I get home or wake up ( not quite true I pee first in the morning ) so to all thank you in a way you are all like a very large distant but effective therapy group.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Computer doesn't have shelf space for awards

I get embarrassed at awards. That's not entirely true. I almost went into shock when I won best master Cadet. I embarrassed my Parents and Grandparents in 8th grade where I went to an 8th grade only school with 720 students. I won an award for best math student and while the winners of science and English were looking sheepish beside me on stage I was holding mine up to the light to see what was inside the envelope.

The award is supposed to be for contributing to humanity. I'm wondering who accused me of being human. Couldn't have been any member of my family they know better. So humane maybe human nah. Like Groucho Marx said " I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member "

So who do I give this to as I am to pass it to 12.

Tracey of course for physical fitness. She gets me out of my easy chair. If falling on the ground and rolling around the ground laughing via her cartoons.

Ray the Angry American partly for when he does write and partly for when he bites his tongue or proverbial pen. I know he could tell it like it is but as Jack Nicholson said " We can't handle the Truth!!!")

Amy of bubbles blog for realizing she can enjoy life when she looks at the positive side.

Steven Amy's husband not only for his unusual blog but I will also have to give one to his Roster Achmed If I can get award that means it's not limited to humans. Give an infinite of typewriters to an infinite number of monkey's and you will waste a lot of paper.

Gail of Gail's books though she is close in the real world and can pull me down to earth.

Kirst though she has removed one of her blogs for trying to prevent pain and suffering in others.

Fi for her dedication the more evolved species on this planet. That means anything but Man.

Odette for getting so many of us into this and it's therapeutic effects.

My daughter gets two as she just started two blogs. Baby Blog and Balthuer family blog. They are in my blog follow list. The different last name is complicated and I understand her reasoning and do not disapprove. It just may mean extra work for her if I pass before hitting 65 my pension is guaranteed till then. After all even I could accidentally get whacked by a falling chunk of the planet Krypton.

Mimi can I pass you a copy back and here is the reason. Some of what you have told me has me doing extra research for my book. Here we have an earthquake someone is likely to accuse another of passing gas. I know Japan has excellent facilities for dealing with them my Japanese is very slow to translate. Also your police could take some lessons from them. If they have a hostage situation they have special trucks pull up and the back angles at where the hostage is being held. Four or five trucks then they turn on the lights. Each truck is full of spotlights like you use to play night baseball the prokind. Also giant speaker trucks the Rock industry would envy.

A few hours of this then negotiations begin which usually start with the surrender of the bad guys.

The remaining two I will have to divide among blogger anywhere who don't swear, berate, put down or ostracize. The ones who build folks up. Also in the process they are letting all of us know more of the world then the media or ten lifetimes of travel could. All without getting shot at ( With the possible exception of RAY ) ;)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Politcally Correct Reference Books

Beside my computer I keep a copy of the Penguin English Dictionary. I think it comes from the Oxford. ( IN other words English Language not American ).

I wanted to post a comment on Odette's article today and needed to look up the spelling of the name of a Greek god. Probably the hardest one to spell. To my surprise his name was not there. So I thought ok maybe I just can't spell it I'll look up the Roman version and it should have the Greek too. So I check no Roman version either. Which of course started a search for all the ancient God's names I could think of. Not one not even Zeus. I was Shocked has political correctness secretly made it's way into our reference books now.

Is anyone else shocked. Or am I alone in this?

By the Way the dictionary is close to 4 inches thick and has no pictures.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Land of the Midnight Moon

I'm afraid its after 5 pm and I only woke up an hour ago.

I worked the off shifts for so long whenever my system goes slightly out of wack, cold, flu, even overtired It goes back to shift mode.

So I tend to sleep when the sun is up and then up all night and it is very hard to switch back. I never did the rotating shift I would be on nights or afternoons for years at a time. I think out of 29 years I only did 4 or 5 on days.

Human's were meant to function like this. ( not that I am that qualified in the being Human department ) Overall my health is improving greatly. However I am willing to bet I go through a bunch of day night upside down cycles before I am back to so called normal.

My Mom should have named me Abe then given me the middle name Normal.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oddly Exhausting

In my last post I wrote about having a breakthrough in not having a panic or even anxiety attack travelling out of town. It is a big deal as with the exception of travelling with very trusted friends that was the first time I had been able to do that in Eight years. Sometimes I have had limited sucess with the help of medication.

Since then I have been testing the bounds of my comfort zone. Areas that not long ago were limits that would trigger an attack are no longer triggers I can go past them too problem free. With the exception that I am very exhausted by travelling past these former boundry limits. Though only a little more than a half mile back I took a cab home yesterday. I really was tired after ward and some of you may have noticed I don't think I was even at the computer once. It was minor chores then to bed and not even a book or TV on. ( I am not much of a Music person and don't play music while resting. Perhaps I should develop that habit. It may be more relaxing then I would think in theory. That would be my theory not anyone else's. I saw many live concerts while working at a major concert hall during high school. Most of my Cadet and Army postings were out of range of radio stations in those days. And even the weight of a transitor radio ( maybe a pound as opposed to today's grams and an MP3 player also lets you choose thousands of your favorites. A pound made a difference. In fact we would tend to eat the heaviest of the foods we were carrying first so the remainder of the trip we could carry less.

The exhaustion is I think just the next step on the way to healing. I see the shrink next on the 12th and am going to see if I can slowly change one of my meds. Prevents depression as a secondary effect and reduces general anxiety but I do need it to sleep, it is one of the rare meds which you don't build up a tolerance to its sleep effect. It does have one side effect which was good when I had lost so much weight from the constant attacks years ago. Weight Gain is a very deffinate side effect. I wan't to reduce it replacing it with something herbal but now RX not because the med is dangerous but years ago a batch was contaminated. A few deaths resulted some countries pulled it before the cause was found not to be the med but an accidental batch that had poison in it. Our response was to move it to RX only. I had taken it as a young man with no ill effects ( same for the poisioned batch no ill effects have ever been reported it is the same chemical as makes one drowsy after a turkey dinner ) I also found out some take 24 times the amount I do. So I would like to decreae the other med and increase this. He is a very good doctor and explains why he does what. I know I can't sleep without the first med as on the rare times I forget to take it I am unable to sleep for hours till I remember ( and check ) and found I won't fall asleep without it. yesterday while exhausted I still could not actually sleep till after I took it.

All in all I am enthusiastic that I seem to be getting over this. I have read it came in rare cases cure itself as sudden as it came ( It came like someone threw a switch).

So plans now include saving, moving to a proper city. Then preparing for travel. 2 to 3 years in all as I also want to study when I travel so in additon to travel costs I will have tuition.