I really overslept yesterday. First I had a completely sleepless night the night before not getting to sleep till after 9AM ( I think it is a side effect of years on the night and afternoon shifts. Where I worked you didn't rotate but were on one steady so out of 29 years 22 were not day shift ) it hits once in a while and I have sleeping pills for those occasions. This time they didn't work.
Then I woke briefly at 5PM the dog woke me and I took him out, the local coffee shop was out so I had a hot chocolate then lay in front of the tv closed my eyes and next thing I know it is 8AM. So I took the dog out again got a Coffee and then wrote the blog for him. His is Warp Drive Canine Mind Unleashed and you should read it as this is a special one. However when I came to the computer this morning there was something odd. I had planned on downloading a few programs and was not able to yet last I was at the computer. When I sat down a few minutes ago they were all downloaded just waiting to moved to their new permanent locations. I have no history of sleepwalking but absolutely no memory of waking and doing so. Also it is not a real simple process. I checked the fridge as I almost used it as the bathroom when I woke groggy a couple days ago. ( I didn't came awake enough to realize what I was doing ). I did get myself a perrier water but I recall that I briefly woke up parched when it was pitch black out.
Anyway I hope you enjoy Rocky's Blog today.
My function hasn't brained properly for months now! xxx