Friday, June 25, 2010

Death in The Family

My Stepfather George Winston Campbell passed away last night at I think age 69. He was a good man and hard worker and treated my Mother very well.

At the present time I don't know what to say being at a rare loss for words. It's also difficult to cry though tears.

The photo is at Their wedding he is sitting front right next to my Mom. The reason he is sitting is he broke his leg very shortly before the wedding and didn't wish to postpone the wedding till the leg had healed.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bad Personal Medical News

Just returned from the Doctor to find that after a round of tests I may be borderline diabetic. I need to go for more tests at the end of July. I'm hoping I can drop some weight and improve the outlook that way however it will be difficult as one of the major side effects of one of the medications for my Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia is weight gain. I have managed to lose about 10 pounds since I went for the tolerance test about a month ago. I suspected something was wrong since after drinking the high sugar content drink the give you to test with I felt sick for the rest of the day.

I have a treadmill now need the will power to use it. I also have a super home gym so the exercise part of improving my lifestyle is at my finger tips. Now I just have to motivate myself. I've done it in the past now I just need to find that in myself once more.

In other news the dog got his summer haircut yesterday and I swear he is now half the size he was. I forgot to take before photos but will take some after shots and put them on his blog probably by tomorrow. For a dog who is over 13 he is in darn good shape aside from his blindness.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Have been watching a lot of movies in as outside it is warm enough to make you consider jumping in the microwave oven to cool off.

Which got me to wondering. What are other peoples favorite movies. I have come up with categories


Ballroom Dance film



Deliberately Dumb

Accidentally so Stupid it becomes funny

Movies with twists you don't see coming.

Movies you don't want to watch before bed because they ensure nightmares.